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Tips for Turning Your Day Around When Things Aren’t Going According to Plan

Living Well

May 30, 2024

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Photography by Studio Firma/Stocksy United

Photography by Studio Firma/Stocksy United

by Chloe Curtis


Fact Checked by:

Michael Crescione


by Chloe Curtis


Fact Checked by:

Michael Crescione


From music, to finding good company, and some much needed rest, these suggestions from fellow Bezzy RA members offer insight into daily living with a chronic condition.

Even with the best intentions and plans, your day can quickly get turned around. It might be the empty milk carton, the unexpected gridlock traffic, or things might just feel off.

When living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), expecting the unexpected can become part of your everyday routine.

From a new pain that has your thoughts spiralling about what this symptom could be, to a flare that decides to show up at just the wrong moment.

It might be a last-minute doctor’s appointment or starting a new medication that you just didn’t want to deal with today.

Everyone faces these daily challenges in different ways, and there’s no right or wrong way to go about them.

Sometimes, knowing how others living with RA choose to approach these scenarios might give you some new insight, or help you feel comforted and less alone.

So here are some strategies that Bezzy RA members use to turn hard days around.

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Ointments and medications at the ready

Having some of your most effective remedies with you at all times for some quick relief is a must.

“Hope for warm weather and put the necessary creams on my joints just so I can go about my day!”

— Beach gal, diagnosed with RA in 1993.

“Tylenol for Arthritis”

— Janet, diagnosed with RA in 2023.

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Music, meditation, and mindfulness

These Bezzy RA members recognize the power of breathing and meditating to bring perspective and focus. Listening to music was also suggested by Karen _Cee_2008.

“Take time to “just breathe“ — it allows me to refocus”

— Anonymous, diagnosed with RA in 2018.

“That sometimes you need to meditate”

— Idaypatterson, diagnosed with RA in 2017.

Rest and acceptance

A tried and tested technique and one that can never be diminished — rest. Jenlgibbs and Kathy also both suggested rest, with Penny R recognizing the power of taking a nap.

“I just take myself back to bed for the whole day and night”

— billie7176, diagnosed with RA around 2005.

“I rest when I need to and I accept that things (goals) take longer to achieve.”

— Multijo, diagnosed with RA in 1993.

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Some company, in many forms

Sometimes, finding good company can help, whether from your faith, or from loved ones.

“Go lay down and try to find something funny on t.v… I also do a lot of talking to Jesus Christ.”

— Barbara Day, diagnosed with RA in 1995.

“I walk when I can, listen to podcasts, and connect with loved ones.”

— Teacher24, diagnosed with RA in 2013.

A little bit of everything

When your day isn’t going according to plan, multiple techniques at different points of the day are sometimes necessary.

“Being patient with myself and asking for help when needed. Also taking plenty of breaks and doing something fun.”

— Alyssa Ventura, diagnosed with RA in 2022.

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Sometimes, answers aren’t ready-made

Living with RA can be tough, especially when something unexpected occurs. It’s fine not to have all the answers, and just take one day at a time, whatever it may bring.

“I haven’t yet figured that out”

— iluvsdisney56, diagnosed with RA in 2022.

Visit our Daily Life forum for more insight into everyday living with RA. As always, we’re here for you at Bezzy RA.

Fact checked on May 30, 2024

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About the author

Chloe Curtis

Chloe Curtis is a freelance editor for Bezzy. She’s a PhD Medical Anthropology student at the University of Oxford, specializing in women’s and reproductive health. She’s inspired by her surroundings and loves to travel and explore, visiting unique museums, art galleries, and fashion houses whenever possible.

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